
Meet Superwoman Ami Gandhi ~ Mom, Wife, Businesswoman

Kumon Wesley Chapel Center Director

By Union County Macaroni Kid October 24, 2021

My dad always told me that people do business with people they like - and you can't like people you don't know. So, when I started working with Ami Gandhi at Kumon Wesley Chapel, getting to know her was top priority. I learned that Ami is a total superstar!

I sat down with her and asked some fun questions so you would get to know the woman behind the center. Here's what I learned:

MacKID: What is your biggest accomplishment?
Ami Gandhi: Running my first marathon was a huge bucket list item and one of the most difficult things I've ever done - both mentally and physically.

MK: Tell us about your family? What role did they play in your starting Kumon Wesley Chapel?
AG: I'm a mom of 3 and, while teaching was always a passion, I never pursued it. I learned about the Kumon method and became a strong believer in it ~ so when Kumon Wesley Chapel became available to purchase, I jumped on it! I knew it would be the perfect career option for me; plus, my kids got to do Kumon and I got to experience it as not only the Center Director but also as a parent. 

MK: What IS Kumon?
AG: Kumon Wesley Chapel is a learning center that offers tutoring for math and reading for elementary through high school students. We also offer reading and math concept classes for preschoolers. 

MK: What makes you so excited about your center?
AG: There is something indescribable about the feeling I get when my students' hard work at Kumon makes a direct difference in their school work. Their success is envigorating. Whether its an elementary school student working through difficulties in math and reading and excelling or the preschooler who is fully reading before entering Kindergarten, I love seeing my student succeed.

MK: How do you find the right facilitators and tutors?
AG: We get a lot of our tutors from the high school and online job boards, but it's not so much about how I find them, but how they engage when they are here with the kids. It's critical to me that they bring excitement and engagement for the Kumon brand as well as the subject matter and are relatable to our students. 

MK: What lesson(s) has the past 20 months taught you?
AG: Flexibility and adaptability is critical. Nothing is promised and agility is something that we all need - even our students!

MK: How has Kumon Wesley Chapel adapted to the current conditions? What do you say to those who are anxious to come back?
AG: In class we ask everyone to please wear masks; we sanitize all surfaces and have plexiglass on all tables. We offer online sessions as well as in-person to be able to accommodate those who are not comfortable being in the classroom just yet. 

MK: What is your favorite thing to do when you are not at Kumon Wesley Chapel?
AG: Sit in the massage chair we bought my husband for Father's Day and read. 

If this got you curious about Kumon Wesley Chapel, give Ami a call at 704.843.5555 or email her at 

Kumon Wesley Chapel is located at 5922 Weddington-Monroe Road, Suite A7; Wesley Chapel, NC 28104.