Do you love America? Is Independence Day your favorite holiday? Are your kids like mine: parade-obsessed? Well, we have such a treat for you!
Union County Macaroni Kid and the Indian Trail Parks and Recreation Department have teamed up to offer one MacKid family an opportunity to be IN this year's July 3rd Parade!
Here are the details:
- The Parade kicks off at 11:30 on July 3rd
- ONE (1) parade entry (walking group, 1 vehicle, 1 truck/trailer)
- Line up will be at Post Office Drive beginning at 10am on July 3rd
- Winner will have to register to with IT Parks and Recreation and will be subject to liability waivers.
- Parade will begin at 11:30am and travel from Post Office Drive to Old Monroe Road
- We always encourage decoration of the vehicle and dress to impress in your best Red, White and Blue!
- Thousands of people will line up Indian Trail Road to watch hundred of cars, firetrucks, police cars, horses, floats and more!
- Winners have the opportunity to throw candy and practice their best beauty pageant waive!
- Winners will need to provide an email and phone number so that we can communicate with them. Parade line up information will be sent out June 30th.
Does this sound as amazing to you as it does to us? All you have to do is ENTER HERE! We will pick one entry at random on June 23rd.
And for those who just want to watch the parade, you can help celebrate Independence Day on Saturday, July 3rd, at downtown Indian Trail starting at 11:30am! The Parade Route starts at Post Office Drive and ends on Old Monroe Road. If you aren't IN the parade, you'll want to make sure you bring your chairs and blankets to set up along the parade route. The town is asking you to remember to social distance, because your safety is of utmost importance!
You must be a Union County Macaroni Kid subscriber and 18 to enter. If you are not a subscriber, we will gladly enter you, and you can unsubscribe at any time. By entering to win, you also agree to allow UCMK to share your contact information with the town of Indian Trail.