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Get Wild with Union County Public Library This Summer

Tails and Tales Begins June 7th

By Union County Macaroni Kid June 1, 2021

While Summer Learning may be a little different this year, Union County Public Library has a lot of programs and activities for all ages. Check out their website's Summer Learning page to find information on what is going on for children, teens, and adults!

The Library is offering a mixture of in-person, virtual and grab-and-go programming with some amazing prizes for all participants! Get students interested in the Summer Learning program by showcasing what they can win or hosting a competition in your classroom to see how many students you can get to participate!

No Kids? No Worries! Some of the library's events include a Bridgerton Trivia Night, Art for Grown Ups and a Mythical Creature walk... just to name a few. Take some time for yourself this Summer and enjoy some of the unique programmings the library has to offer!

Anyone can participate in Summer Learning, and it takes just a moment to register! Sign up to participate in Summer Learning by creating a READsquared account and selecting the appropriate age group. Want more students to participate? Help them sign up, hold a classroom competition or incentivize participation through the use of a drawing or pizza party!

For questions regarding Children Summer Learning, Contact Shelley Fearn, Juvenile Services Coordinator at shelley.fearn@unioncountync.gov or 704-283-8184 ext. 5232.


For questions regarding Teen Summer Learning, Contact Stephanie Johnson, Teen and Technology Librarian at stephanie.johnson@unioncountync.gov or 704-283-8184 ext. 5227.