
Reduce, Reuse, Recyle: Tips from our Junior Reporter

By Zoe Frances Huber, Jr. Reporter April 19, 2021

We only have one planet and it is more important than ever before to make sure we are taking care of it. Earth Day started in 1970 as an effort to slow the degradation of our planet. Whether you are reducing your carbon foot print, reusing items in some capacity or trying to recycle goods when possible - we all have to do our part. 

Here are 4 tips to lowering your own carbon footprint and helping to keep our world vibrant and amazing:

  • BYO: One way for you to stay environmentally friendly is to bring chic reusable bags into stores instead of using throwaway plastic and paper bags. Allowing you to stay cute and help save the earth around you!
  • Fashion Choices: With Spring being in full swing many are looking for lightweight and stylish clothes, a fun way to shop with your friends is by going to local thrift stores. By doing this you are helping recycling clothing that otherwise would have gone into landfills.
  • Spring showers: An excellent way to help with food waste is to create a compost station in your back yard, by doing this you are helping mother nature’s natural progress of decomposition and creating great new use of otherwise disregarded food excess.
  • Skip the Plastic: We all enjoy drinking deliciousous drinks from our favorite coffee shops, a great way to cut back on waste and to help local businesses is to get reusable cups; trendy and earth-friendly. 

** Bonus tip: Starbucks has come out with a trial "borrow a cup program" in certain areas such as Seattle where you take a reusable cup they have and after your drink, you return it and in turn, you receive 10 bonus points on your Starbucks rewards membership. After the return, they will sanitize it and reuse it.