
Meal Prep Basics: How Meal Prep Can Save You This Holiday Season

PLUS a Great Recipe to Try!

By Catherine Denels ~ Owner, ISI Elite Training Matthews November 2, 2020

Let’s be honest, abs are made in the KITCHEN!  Fitness and healthy eating go hand in hand, so here are 7 of my Tips and Tricks to getting your meal planning and prepping started off on the right foot without breaking the bank.

  1. Make a list and have a plan.  Find a few yummy recipes that you are going to make (hint: it is best if they have similar ingredients), and put everything you are going to need into a list.  It’s always good to look and see what you have in the fridge.  I like to use up anything from their first and then add additional items needed to your list.  Going to the grocery store without a plan or going when you are hungry is where a lot of us get into TROUBLE! So let's set ourselves up for success and ONLY GET WHAT’S ON YOUR LIST! 
  2. Buy in bulk! When you are putting together a grocery list, it is important to remember, you are getting almost a whole week's worth of food, and depending on whether you are meal prepping for just yourself, or a few people, you are going to need a lot of food.  Costco, Sam’s Club, and BJ’s are great for this type of thing and will keep your cost/meal much lower.  My husband and I will do this especially for our meats and some veggies.  Whatever meats we don’t use, we just throw in a freezer-safe bag, and use it at a later date.  This is also good for your non-perishables that you will be using on a regular basis, i.e. rice, quinoa, canned or dried legumes, oils, etc. 
  3. Invest in quality storage containers.  This is KEY, especially if you are throwing in a bag for the day.  The last thing you want is any kind of juice/dressing leaking out, or even worse, the delicious salad you made dumping out in your purse or car.  Spend a few extra bucks, and save yourself the heartache later. Here are links to a few of my faves: Enther Meal Prep Bento Box,Rubbermaid Brilliance Storage, and Portion Control Glass Meal Prep Container
  4. Schedule a day/time.  Let’s face it…meal prep takes some time when you are cooking in large quantities, BUT it is also so that you can save yourself some time (and calories) later.  
  5. Don’t make it harder than it needs to be.  If you don’t like chopping vegetables or don’t have time to cook in large quantities, you can always buy pre-cut fruits and veggies, and nowadays there are a lot of healthy prepared options that are very convenient but can end up being more expensive. 
  6. Pre-portion your meals.  OK…this is where those high-quality containers you purchase come into play.  Part of setting yourself up for success is having those meals ready to go for the week.  So whether you are weighing/measuring out your meals, or just eyeballing it, using this method will help with your portion/calorie control.
  7. Keep it FUN!  I know, I know, meal planning and prep can be challenging, but you are not alone and just have fun with it!  With the magic of the internet, social media, and all kinds of apps and food blogs, there are SOOOOO many recipes you can find online that are super healthy and delicious.

Other things to think about when it comes to workouts and eating.  Building more muscle burns more fat, so either before or after a strenuous workout, you need to feed those muscles!  A high protein meal or shake before or after your workout is just what those muscles need, or if you are exercising fasted, it is key to get that post-workout meal consumed shortly after you are finished.

Here is a recipe I created that is easy to make for meal prep, super versatile because you can change the flavor profile by just switching up the herbs you use, and really tasty (there is a video on our group page demonstrating how to make this recipe):

Turkey Surprise

3lbs 93%Lean 7%Fat

1 large onion chopped

2 large carrots peeled and chopped

3 stalks celery chopped

2 tsp garlic minced

1 14oz can Cannolini Beans (rinsed)

1/2 6oz can of tomato paste

1 jalapeno chopped (optional)

1 cup white wine (optional) if not using white wine add another cup of chicken stock

2 cups chicken stock (you can use more or less based on how saucy you like it)


  1. Heat a large deep pan on medium high heat, add ground turkey, about a teaspoon of salt, and cook until fully cooked through.
  2. Take out ground turkey leaving some of the juices.  Add onion, carrots, celery, and jalapeño(optional), another pinch of salt, and cook down about 7 minutes.  They will absorb all the good flavors the juices left.
  3. Add the white wine (or chicken stock), garlic and beans.  Continue to cook for about 5 min
  4. Add the tomato paste…this will thicken it up quite a bit.  Add whatever dried herbs you like.  I like more of a southwest profile so I use 2 tablespoons of cumin, a tablespoon of garlic powder, a tablespoon of onion powder, and a tablespoon of oregano.  You can use more or less to taste.
  5. Add the rest of the chicken stock, stir to combine, and cook for another 5-10min.  Take a taste and add salt/pepper and/or more herbs to taste.  If it is too strong in flavor, add more chicken stock and just let it cook down.
  6. Portion this out into separate meal prep containers with any healthy carb you like…I usually do rice, but you could also do quinoa or sweet potatoes.

Here is the Macro Breakdown for this recipe:

Servings: 6

Nutritional Facts(per 1 serving)

Calories: 362
Total Fat: 9.2g
Total Carbs: 21.9
Dietary Fiber: 3.9g
Net Carbs: 18g
Protein: 49.3g

Cat Denels is the owner of ISI Elite Training - Matthews and a diligent food prepper. ISI Elite Matthews is a 50 minute fast-paced Athletic Based Training group training facility with proven results. If you want to look like an athlete, you need to train like an athlete. ISI Elite Trianin Matthews' new facility will open this winter at the corner of Potter and Chestnut Roads in Matthews. They are currently enrolling members and hosting outdoor classes Tuesday - Sunday. You can learn more HERE