
A Note from Your Publisher: First Day Poem

By Rachael Weiss ~ Publisher, Union County Macaroni Kid August 17, 2020

Twas the first day of school all through the house,
You could hear mom & dads yell at their kids & their spouse
We're all really nervous - and that is OK
Remote learning is here and today's the first day.

Zoom calls, canvas, and a printer filled with new ink
I promise this won't be as hard as we think.
Our teachers have prepped and prepared for this fall
Despite that this order is actually quite tall.

We'll work hand-in-hand, come together as one
If you're willing to humor me - it might actually be fun.
Ok, that's a stretch - to this I'll admit
But, it certainly isn't worth having a snit.

Set the tone for the year, once and for all
Set the tone for your kids - big and small.
You've got this, you do - I believe it to be
We're in this together, all of you and me. 

Dearest friends, I know this year will be hard. But we are strong and we can do hard things. We are a community of parents who want what's best for our children and their friends. Just like you, I'll be both working and "facilitating" home-based learning for both boys. And, just like you, I'll be losing my mind. But, none of us are doing this alone. Lean on your neighbors, your faith leaders and your friends.

And lean on me. I will be here for you, as is my pleasure and my honor to do. I will continue to bring you information that can help you navigate these waters, just as I've done since the beginning of this crazy pandemic. And, whenever possible, I will add levity and joy and help you find your family fun! 

