
Terrific Scientific Camps go Virtual

While In-Person Camps are Cancelled, Virtual Camps are ON!

By Jill Long ~ Terrific Scientific June 22, 2020

Our in-person 2020 summer camps have been cancelled due to COVID-19 but all is not lost! 

If your child was registered for our Minecraft camps this summer, is interested in Minecraft but doesn’t know where to start, or wants to delve deeper and learn more, our VIRTUAL camps are the way to go!


Beginning next week, and continuing throughout the summer, we are offering weekly VIRTUAL Minecraft camps Monday-Friday at either 9am or 1pm led by our most experienced counselors. Camps will be held for two hours each day and campers will be able to continue to hone their new skills for an additional two hours on our moderated private server at either 1pm or 9am.

To learn more, visit our website at or click the button below to register.


Unfamiliar with Minecraft? "Minecraft is a Sandbox game that gives campers the freedom to create, pushing their imaginations to the limit and allowing them to be creative in ways not possible in the real world. It is inherently about problem-solving, the game can inspire students' higher-level and critical thinking." (Education World, 2014)