
Navigating The Feelings

Pouring from a Full Cup

By April Boryczewski, Thrive Counseling Services ~ Monroe and Indian Trail June 8, 2020

Who would have thought as we began the countdown on December, 31, 2019 to midnight, full of hopes and dreams, goals and aspirations for a brand new year, what the year would actually bring. 

A global pandemic that shocked the world and shut it down. And just as we were emerging from shelter in place and opening cities back up, a horrific and tragic act of social injustice brought the world to tears. Fear, anxiety, isolation, depression...these are just some of the emotions we all have collectively felt as humanity this entire year. And the atmosphere is beyond heavy. 

How do we heal? How do we cope? How do we continue living in a world that seems so dark and cruel? Here are some ways to help us all process and deal with the emotions that naturally surface when life is hard:

Feel it:
Too often our first response to negativity is to dismiss it, get rid of it. But doing this just prolongs the inevitable. It will come back up at some point. Feel it NOW. Recognize the way your mind responds to those feelings. What are the thoughts running through your head? Pay attention to how your body reacts. Do you need to cry? Scream? Talk to someone? Go for a run? Turn off the news or unplug from social media? Whatever your body and mind need you to do, give yourself the grace to safely express these emotions and take back control of your thoughts. 

Practice coping and grounding techniques: 
Everyone is different and has different methods of soothing themselves. What are your healthy ways of boosting your spirits? Physical activity tends to be the most popular, as physical exertion releases that “feel good” mindset that gives you a natural mood boost. Listening to positive music, singing along and humming can help to rewire your brain, particularly the emotional part of your brain. Give it a try. Fresh air, sunshine. There is nothing quite like a nice burst of vitamin D from homemade sunshine. Just turning your face to the sun, with closed eyes, and breathing deeply has a way of bringing back your smile.

Develop a plan:
Educate yourself on how you can improve the situation. Read books or articles about the subject. Talk to others experiencing it firsthand, listen to hear their stories. Maybe consider donating to a cause supporting what you believe in or the change you would like to see.   

We will all face difficult and trying times in our life’s journey. And while we may all have aspirations to change the world and make a difference, we cannot do so if we are not taking the time to take care of ourselves and our mental health first. So take care of you. Give your mind, heart and body what it needs to be at full capacity. You cannot pour from an empty cup. Fill yourself first, then give. You matter. We need you.

About Thrive Counseling Services
If you are feeling anxious, depressed, lost or alone, therapy can help you move forward. As you develop a deeper understanding of your own thoughts and feelings, you will be more equipped to resolve the inner turmoil and confusion which at times affects us all. Thrive Counseling Service is a full-service clinical social work office in Union County, with offices in Monroe and Indian Trail. For more information, click HERE