
Squirt Gun Graffiti Art

A Creative Way to Create Gallery-Worthy Art

By Rachael Weiss ~ Publisher, Union County Macaroni Kid May 4, 2020

Last year, my son's teacher set up a Graffiti Art station at school. The kids were given spray bottle filled with paint and asked to "leave their mark" on a large stretched sheet. The result was nothing short of amazing! 

Being bored at home has its advantages - and time to think is certainly one of them! I wanted to recreate this amazing art - but didn't have water bottles to use. Rummaging through my garage, I found some squirt guns that we used at the pool last summer. I pulled out the art bin and found some tempera paints and VOILA: a new art project. 

My friends at ART BOX Ceramics & Canvas generously provided me with three canvases and we had an amazing time blasting paint to make really unique art. 

Here's what You Need:

  • Good squirt guns: you want sturdy ones that don't leak (much) and are easy for small hands to manipulate. If you don't have squirt guns, you can use empty cleaning squirt bottles.  
  • Tempera paints in a variety of colors. You can use any thinner craft paint. Thick paint won't get through the squirters.
  • Canvases, cardboard, thick paper or a sheet

Here's what You Do:

  • GO OUTSIDE! (this is NOT an indoor art project unless you don't care about your house)
  • Fill the squirt guns with tempera paint and add water to thin them out. 
    • You'll want to add a little at a time otherwise you end up with water colors!
  • Take aim and FIRE! 

This was just a fun new way to express creativity. You could take a paint marker to the finished product and add some additional elements if you want - but we loved the way these paintings came out as they were!