
Camp-worthy Games for Your Kids

Play These Games at Home

By South Charlotte Macaroni Kid April 13, 2020

Looking for some fresh ideas to get the kids moving? Who better to ask than a camp counselor! We reached out to our friends at the YMCA of Greater Charlotte and asked them to share some ideas with us! The Greater Charlotte YMCA also has an awesome section of their website packed with ideas to keep the kids busy at home and their exercise classes have moved online as well! Check out Virtual Y and Y360 for more information 

Dance and Sing-Along


Come See The Monster!

An announcer is standing by a person sitting in a chair covered by a sheet.

Announcer: Come one come all! Come see the scariest monster in the world! (The person under the sheet)

Customer1: Alright, I'll check it out, how scary can it be? (They peek under the sheet and faint or run away


Announcer: O.K., Who's next? Step right up!

Customer2: I'll take a look (Peeks under sheet and screams while fainting)

Announcer: (rolls customer to the side) Anyone Else?

Customers 3 & 4: Let us look! (They both look under the sheet and faint)

Announcer: (Rolls customers with the other one) This wasn't in the job description. Does anyone from out there

want to look at the monster?

(Choose a volunteer who won’t get their feelings hurt easily)

Volunteer looks under the sheet and then the monster runs away screaming.


Do That Moo That You Do So Well


3-4 campers are on stage and they call up an unknowing volunteer from the audience.

They tell the volunteer that they are going to have a mooing contest and these are the rules:

Each person in the group has to yell MOO as loud as they can on the count of three.

Whoever is heard above the rest will win. But you have to yell really, really loud.

You also have to beat your chest with your hands, as this will make you Moo louder.

One camper counts out 1-2-3 and the campers just let the volunteer moo as loud as he can.


Do you have it?


The object is to have a very dramatic person who keeps on saying "Do you have it? Do you have it?" while

walking back in forth in front of the audience.

People keep on bringing things out and hold up to him/her.

Once everyone has gone except the last person the last person comes out running with toilet paper!

Then he/she shouts out "That’s it you got it!" They run off and pretend to go the bathroom! If it is outside run

behind a tree.

Variation of “Important Papers”


Frozen T-shirts (Teambuilding and fun for hot days)

A few days before this project dip a few large T-shirts into water and fold it up while they are

sopping wet and put them into large zip lock bags. Freeze the bags for a day or two. Divide the

campers into groups of 5 to 6. Give each group a frozen zip lock bag. The teams need to work

together to get the shirt out of the bag and thawed out enough for one of the team members to

put the t-shirt on. There are several ways to get them thawed out, but we let our campers figure it

out for themselves. Some ideas are: run it under water-microwave it-lay it in the sun-sit on it etc.



Get the group into a circle with one blindfolded person in a chair in the center of the circle. Under

the chair place a pair of keys or something that will make a little bit of noise when touched. As

the facilitator pick out a person from the circle to try and get the objects.

The person in the center is to then try and figure out where the person is coming from by pointing

directly at them. If they find the person then they will become the person in the center. If the

person is able to get the object, then the center person stays the center person.



Boxball transforms two sidewalk squares into an outdoor version of ping-pong or, perhaps more

accurately, a postage-stamp-sized game of tennis. Each player serves, volleys, and defends his

square. The lines (or "cracks") around the concrete define the court; the seam between the two

squares is the imaginary net. Players choose or volley for first serve. Serve is maintained by

winner of the volley or rotated every five points. In some games, only the server wins a point;

others play so that either player can win any point. Twenty-one is usually the winning score, with

the requirement of winning by two points. The ball is slapped back and forth between boxes with

an open palm. Slap the ball into your opponent's box; he or she returns it back to your box after

one bounce or on the fly. If you step into the playing court, fail to return a shot, or if your return

shot's first bounce lands out of your opponent’s box, you lose the volley. You can choose whether

you can use both hands, and one hand only (where you can use the back of the palm for a

"reverse shot"). Reverse shots aren't easy to control, since the back of the palm is not as flat or

flexible as the front, but they're sometimes necessary in order to protect the full box. Players can

try to hit the ball with force--or with a cutting motion to give the ball more spin, or "English," and

make it more difficult to return. Boxball is quick game with soft spinning shots, slams, and pinpoint

shots to the corners. It's simple, intimate and intense.


Red Robin

This game works best when played around a house or building. Players all begin in front of the

house. Red Robin is the player who is "it." The Red Robin faces the other players and declares,

"I'm thinking of a type of (shoe, car, candy bar, etc.)."

The other players then try to guess what the Red Robin is thinking of (for example, Nike, Adidas,

or Keds). The Red Robin calls out the name of the player who eventually guesses the correct

item. Then, the Red Robin and the player who guessed correctly take off running around the

house in opposite directions. The first person to make it back to the starting line becomes the Red

Robin. (After players get tired, the rules can change to: the first person to get back to the starting

line is NOT the Red Robin.)