
A Note from Your Publisher ~ April 6, 2020

By Rachael Weiss ~ Publisher, Union County Macaroni Kid April 6, 2020

As we round out our first month of stay-home orders, I'd like to think we are all getting into our groove. We have found our rhythm and are doing the best we can. I finally broke down on Friday - and it felt GOOD. Actually, it felt GREAT. 

It felt great because I knew that I wasn't numb to all that was happening around us. Since the school closure orders came - actually, since the e.Coli breakout closed school - I have been on a hamster wheel. And crying - giving myself the same grace that I had been giving others - snapped me out of it. I completely unplugged on Friday - we did absolutely NO schooling. We played. We set up an inflatable waterslide in our backyard and threw care to the wind about our grass. We ate ice cream for breakfast. We made pizza. We just enjoyed the time together. 

Tomorrow is a new day. It's the start of a new week. And we're all going to be fine. 

Stay healthy and know I'm with you!