
30 Days of FREE Virtual Field Trips

By Rachael Weiss ~ Publisher, Union County Macaroni Kid March 29, 2020

I know, I know... it's only been a few days, and already we're starting to get antsy. So let's go ahead and pretend we are in other places by virtually visiting them. Many sites are now offering virtual field trip opportunities. Click on the names below to be taken there. The plus? You can stay in your pajamas! Visit a new place each day, and pretty soon, you'll really feel like you are traveling the world!

  1. The Great Wall of China - China
  2. The Louvre - Paris, France
  3. Yellowstone National Park - Wyoming, USA
  4. San Diego Zoo - California, USA
  5. Farm Field Trips - USA
  6. Boston Children's Museum - Massachusetts, USA
  7. Deserts & Grasslands of Africa - Africa
  8. Corals in the Dominican Republic - Dominican Republic
  9. Ellis Island - New York, USA
  10. Georgia Aquarium - Georgia, USA
  11. The National Museum of Anthropology - Mexico City, Mexico
  12. The Egyptian Pyramids - Egypt
  13. The Moon - Outerspace
  14. Johnson Space Center - Houston, Texas, USA
  15. Arconic Power & Propulsion - Whitehall, Michigan, USA
  16. Easter Islands - Chile
  17. Mars - Outerspace
  18. Amazon Rainforest - Brazil
  19. Plimouth Plantation - Massachusetts, USA
  20. Van Gogh Museum - Amsterdam
  21. Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park - USA
  22. The White House - Washingon, CD, USA
  23. Buckingham Palace - United Kingdom
  24. Mount Rushmore - South Dakota, USA
  25. Grand Canyon - Arizona, USA
  26. Guggenheim Museum - New York, USA
  27. Taj Mahal - India
  28. Sistine Chapel - Vatican City
  29. Liberty Bell - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
  30. Valley Forge Park - Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, USA