
2020 Resolutions: 10 Kids share their resolutions

Sharing Resolutions for Family Goal Planning

By Rachael Weiss, Union County Publisher January 8, 2020

The New Year is a great time to set some goals with your kids - and for yourself. Each year, we celebrate the New Year with friends and family at a big open house. Typically, we share some of our goals for the coming year. This year, we included the kids in the fun. First, we asked them to think of some of the things they accomplished in the past year - what did they get better at? What were they able to do this year that they couldn't do last year?  Then, we asked them to think of some goals they have for themselves in the coming year. Some answers were heart-warming, some cute and some down-right hilarious.

Here's what 10 of our Mac Kids said when asked what their resolution is for 2020: 

Miles (5.5 years): Try not to let my brother make me crazy and practice being better for mommy and daddy. 

Seth (3.5 years): I want to give and get more hugs. LOTS more! 

Jacob (8 years): I want to be able to write more and not play while I'm writing.

Ezra (5.5 years): I'm going to be better at archery.

Abram (4 years): I want to be better at Christmas.

Grant (6 years): I dunno.....sports? Maybe basketball. I want to be better at playing with my team. 

Ryan (8 years): I want to be a better friend to some people. 

Lila (5 years): I want to get better at riding my bike ~ I will practice more! 

Casey (9 years): I want to be gooder. 

Eileen (11 years): Nothing, I'm perfect. 

While some of their initial answers were pretty funny, it opened the door for more meaningful conversations and was an opportunity for us to set goals as a family. This year my family is working on spending less (aren't we all?) and being more intentional with our time. My kids (Miles and Seth) both recognized that our personal interaction can always improve and I'll gladly give (and take) more hugs and less back-talk!

Have you asked your kids what they are resolving for the new year?